The Uttar Pradesh government has made a big announcement on 39 thousand government employees as it ordered the stoppage of salary of these government employees who had not uploaded the property gists within the given period. The government made the announcement that all employees must submit the gists of property, movable or immovable, by 30 September, and of the total, 39,077 did not comply.
Mandatory to submit property details
This was order of the Uttar Pradesh government for all employees of 90 departments in the state. The state has a total of 8,27,583 employees, of which 7,88,506 employees provided the information about their property in time. But 39 thousand employees flouted the order of the government.
Which departments are affected?
As it said, 99 percent of the employees of the police and agriculture department submitted their details. In other departments like Animal Husbandry, Panchayati Raj, AYUSH, and Medical Education, 95 percent of the employees also gave the property information on time. However, some department employees did not do so, because of which their salary is being withheld.
From which department was the details sought?
There have been property detail submissions sought for employees of the following departments: Textile, Energy, Agriculture, Sainik Welfare, Women Welfare, Higher Education, Basic Education, Industrial Development, Revenue and Medical Health.
This objective of this decisive action taken by the Yogi government is to ensure transparency in government employees. Such employees will be required to upload the property details quickly to obtain the salary.